Our Purpose is, "Building Leaders Worth Following." We are involved in nation-building as we build leaders who bring positive change.
Delegates said this about our training:
“I’m glad you came, these ideas are foundations of society, . . . this is what we really need.”
“What we have learned from you is to respect the opinions of others in exchanging ideas. Your teaching gives us the idea of a democratic society.”
“I believe your project is crucial and it is a great gift to our people. I can confidently tell you that I and my people needed to have this training long ago.”
A delegate described the change from a self-serving leader to a servant leader, “First thing, leaders need to be servants of the people.”
A delegate described change from seeing people as objects to seeing people as people, “I learned that valuing people is the most important thing to build our society on.”
One delegate understood that leadership is relationship, “The leader needs to not just be the boss, but have a friendship with all the people so he can give help, even with personal problems, when needed.”
A delegate changed his approach from program-driven to vision-driven, “I’m more focused, I have more vision for the future.”
One delegate began to see the capacity of team members, “I learned to have confidence in the abilities of others.”
A delegate discovered collaboration, “You taught us to discuss and give our opinion to arrive at the solution of any problem.”
One delegate learned to listen, “I am not a dictator any more! I bring in people and ask them what they think about a problem to see if they have any ideas. And now I really listen to what they are saying.”
In addition, our training impacts those who partner with us:
"You made me a hero with my leaders,” said the leader who invited us.
"We are so blessed to work with you. Thank you for bringing great resources to our nation,” wrote our interpreter.
“I have been to and through a few dozen or so leadership courses including one for local government leaders at the Harvard JFK School of Government. What you have put together is as good as any I have done,” wrote a legislator/guest instructor.